What you should learn from the man who lost $600,000 on Facebook ads


Raj Kapoor Brar runs a publishing company called Fateopolis. Her titles, such as Fashion Style Mag, have millions of fans on Facebook. With Facebook working for him, he decided to double down and launched a massive Facebook advertising campaign.

He did some tests and showed 2-3x return potential on his Facebook ads. After four days, he spent over $ 600,000 on Facebook ads.

His return? Near zero.

Their story is a precautionary tale for anyone who thinks they can start advertising on Facebook and learn that they go. This strategy will cost you. You need to understand this ecosystem. There is no excuse for not knowing the exact details of how it works if you significantly leave such a campaign.

However, Facebook ads can be one of the most profitable ways of marketing your product or service, if you do it correctly. You have a misunderstanding, and you can waste a lot of time, like Raj.

These are lessons you can learn from his mistakes and save yourself $ 600,000.


“We spent over $ 600,000 to get these fans,” Brar said in the article.


Taylor Swift has “fans”. The Giants have “fans”. Dyson has a “fan”.

Companies have customers. If you are interested in vanity values ​​such as clicks, likes or “fans”, you will get a lot of fake clicks.

When you start an advertising campaign on Facebook, the first thing you need to do is to decide what your end goal is and determine what kind of bid strategy you use.

There are three main types of advertising bids on Facebook: CPM, CPC and oCPM.

CPM (Cost Per Mile): If you are looking for pure brand awareness, this is the one to use. You pay for impressions but not for clicks. All this promises to show ads to users. You pay for every 1000 ideas. It does not promise to give you any users on your site or get you clicks, so if you are looking for specific results, then there is something to stay away from.

CPC (cost per click): I doubt Brar has finished paying for it. When he used Facebook ads, you paid for each ad click. The click may be on the image, such as a button, name, or comment – not necessarily on the link. This was misleading for us because those clicks can happen anywhere and not necessarily conversion. Facebook now changes the definition of ‘click’ to CPC, which I consider to be ‘link click’ related to advertising goals: past clicks, call-to-action clicks, installations, or to watch videos on a video Click Another Site.

oCPM (Optimized CPM): If you are new (or old) to advertise on Facebook, this is the strategy you should use. It is now the most common bidding option and also the default. Whatever you do tells how much you are willing to spend for the action you take, Facebook will try to make it as fit as possible. The great thing about it is that you can customize it for different tasks – site clicks, engagement, touch, appreciation or installation. If you want to get people to your site, this is what you should use and use Brar.

DON’T SPEND $ 600,000

Let’s repeat it: “We spent an extra $ 600,000 to get these fans.”

Brar spent $ 600,000 on Facebook ads in just four days

Your campaign should never go away on its own. Fateopolis has doubled, thinking that they can get out of trouble, instead of working smart and looking deeper into their campaign.

You have to know how much you can spend and keep that budget. Ultimately, the whole idea of ​​advertising is the return on investment. As long as you can earn more from sales or sign-ups than you spend, advertising doesn’t work no matter how many clicks or fans you get.

If you suggest that you use OCPM, you are already telling Facebook what your maximum cost should be, so you should not face budget problems.

Whatever your budget, start small, get used to the Facebook advertising system, and then get up, stretch your spending over a few days.


I think this is the main reason people have problems with advertisements on Facebook. I just don’t know who they’re targeting, so they can spread their thinness without ever delivering their ads to the people who want them.

By far, the best targeting option is now custom audiences. If you have the necessary information, email list, phone number, user ID, you can get the audience you want to attract. By adding lookalike audiences (people who are like your custom audiences) and audience insights to understand their demographics better, you can expand your target audience to many more.

People who lose with Facebook ads do not do this. At best, they are for interest only. This has worked, but it is now that a lot of false reviews come in, as they try to make their fake accounts look more realistic by targeting pages with similar interests paid to them.

Another targeting option depends on the country. If you only sell products in the US, then advertising in Kathmandu can be a mistake. Also, some countries are known to host “click farms”, most notably countries in Southeast Asia. This could have contributed to Brar’s problems with its South Asian fashion brand.


It does not look like a $ 600,000 article in the article. I hope it’s imposing, but somehow I doubt it. I think that a $ 400,000 advertisement looks worse than a $ 6,000 advertisement, or $ 400 advertisement.


Facebook ads need to be completely designed to attract attention and get the right kind of impressions. Models which are big, bold and targeted in the work of some buyers.

In this advertisement, AdEspresso targets media agencies and their main concern: not to waste customers’ time and money.

But as they target different buyers, they have various advertisements for different needs. The announcement aims its startup and their desire to develop their user base.

Advertising also requires proper social proof and secure calls for action.


An important issue is where the advertisement is served. Press releases that are delivered directly to a news user have the highest click-through rates and engagement and are a great way to drive sales and opportunities. Also, they may produce additional biological results.

Correct columns and mobile news reports are less successful. The right column is suitable for retargeting, and the cost is low.

The mobile newsfeed is suitable for mobile app installation, but not so good for website conversion. In this article announcing advertisements on Facebook, he had most of his mobile traffic and then complained that it had not been converted. I could tell them.

It is unlikely to leave Facebook under the hook. For a brand that wants to be the world’s leader in mobile, the fact that a terrible mobile application platform is not enough. But this is a known issue, and you should know it before throwing $ 600,000 on ads. If you don’t mind doing research, don’t come to us and complain.


Brar thought that all he had to do was sign up, upload an ad and wait for Facebook’s doors to open, leaving people off. “This is true for a lot of Facebook advertisers for the first time.

Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what you have to do with Facebook ads. A continuous optimization process is required for Facebook ads to work. With Google, you can set up your ad, test it, adjust and then leave by bringing in a steady stream. Google is concerned with completing applications. Advertisements are served to those who want something specific to buy.

But with Facebook, you need to set, test, adjust and then continuously repeat your ad to get precisely the right interest. You need to test the design of your ad – images, text, headlines – and the audience you are targeting. Facebook is about to generate demand. Your ads will run for people who meet specific criteria in your targeting, allowing them to search for your product.


This may sound like a lot of work, but it is worth it when you consider the audience at your disposal. It is complicated, but the opportunities are enormous.

The test also includes testing Facebook itself. Facebook may not be the best advertising channel for your product. Facebook advertising does not work like AdWords. If you expect similar results, you will be disappointed.

Do not lose $ 600,000 on FACEBOOK ADS.

Every time you read these “Facebook ads “sucks posts, stop wondering what each of these people is doing. Guarantee

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